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More Thinking


More Thinking Started writing a very short proposal Working treatment groups: warming, acidification, hypoxia (desiccation), warming + acidification, control Been exploring genes to examine. HIFa (Hypoxia Inducible Factor a), HSP70 (Heat shock protein), DICER, I am still wondering about immunity. That is what I am most interested in/most familiar with... [Read More]
Tags: Thesis



Thinking Preparing a year long research project. This will take up 3 credits a quarter for the next 3 quarters. Generally, going to look at how gene expression in pacific oysters is altered by different environmental conditions. Will sample every week or so from the hatchery this fall to get... [Read More]
Tags: Thesis

Tuesday 5/9


Today’s Summary Finished the RNA extractions form last week by doing the RNA QC. Two samples need to be redone, will do that on thursday. 2.5 hours (2:30-5 pm)
Tags: Oyster